Lucky number thirteen! That's where we're at today, the thirteenth random sampling of Christmas music downloaded from The Internet Archive and shared by me. The thirteenth set, so thirteen songs, most of which were only recently archived, but I'm still on the case trying to keep the season going as long as possible. I grabbed the one shown above strictly because it is not the same Alex Paterson that's behind the ambient techno band The Orb, but I thought it interesting that they shared a name. And the very last record below is the second version of Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers that I've shared by The Lady in Blue, only this one doesn't specifically call her out as June Winters. Odd, that. Maybe it's not her, but it sure sounds like her. And it's definitely a different recording from the previous one. Mysteries abound in the world of old Christmas music. Oh, and I forgot to mention yesterday that it was two months since I began the Christmas season around here on the day before Thanksgiving. This has got to be a record for longevity of the seasonal celebration here at Ernie (Not Bert)! Glad you're still along for the ride. Now, on to the download!